Hi, I am Taryn Pallister. I believe we can all live in harmony with our true selves. Let's journey within together, to connect, heal, and open our hearts.
My purpose is to inspire you to come ALIVE.
To guide you into deeper connection with YOUR body, so you can SENSE your self, and follow the movements that enhance your Life force...aka JOY.
My personal life is focused on keeping my vibe high, my body nourished, my spirit FREE and my feet on the ground. I do this by training myself to stay present to sensation, listening deeply and following what brings me JOY and Choosing Joy in all I do, even the boring stuff! I believe we are all responsible for our life in each moment and I choose to live a life I Love!
I am trained in many powerful healing modalities to assist you to connect within, so you can live into your highest potential. Experience the Joy of Movement and get your Groove on at a Nia class. Relax your nervous system and tap into your personal power at a Yoga or Yin Class. Relax and reconnect at one of my wellness Retreat offerings. Or, book me as a freelance facilitator for third party wellness retreats and corporate events.
I am so excited to also be sharing Somatic Therapy. This work can help you resolve issues through the body and nervous system. We bypass the story and go straight to the body. This is where deep healing and real change occurs.
I am honoured to connect with you and co create something magical.
Please reach out.
In Joy + Grace, Taryn xxx
About me
My passion is creating space for self-liberation through conscious embodiment and authentic expression. My own spirited journey to find freedom inspired me to travel around the world training in many modalities. I am a mother, a Nia Black Belt, Nia 5 Stages teacher, Yoga and Yin Yoga teacher, Dancing Freedom Inspired teacher, Kahuna Bodyworker, Remedial Massage Therapist and am currently studying a Bachelor of Psychological Science at University and Somatic Therapy. I am an experienced Retreat Facilitator, running retreats locally and internationally. For ten years I offered classes on a weekly basis to Australia’s largest and most awarded retreat location Gwinganna. I currently share Nia weekly in the Tugun, Kingscliff and Brunswick Heads communities. Nia + Yoga has transformed my body and life and I absolutely love sharing MOVEMENT AS MEDICINE. My classes will bring you deeply into your body, inviting you to feel to heal. I am gifted at guiding participants into a place of powerful connection between body, mind, emotions and spirit.
Here is what the others have to say:
“Taryn has the unique gift of creating a sacred safe space for participants encouraging them to explore and let go.” Kylie Lowe, Co-Founder, Joining Hands.
"Thank you for a beautiful class last Saturday. You are so embodied and vibrant. Love you, love your classes. I only wish I was living closer so I could come on a regular basis." Jacqui Wayne Biggs
''Looking back on my first Nia class some years ago I realize it was an important step towards understanding the connection between the body, mind and soul. It showed me how through moving my body I could actually find new ways to approach myself and life in general - and having a great time while doing so! I'm really grateful for the Nia classes with Taryn that brought me not only a precious friendship but also the inspirational message of finding healing through movement.'' Hannah Stork, Holland
"Must say again how much I love your classes - your words, the music, movement, release, nurturing & joy. I am so grateful to have this Saturday morning soulful routine" Roma. B
Why We Love Nia